
Welcome to the Brownsville Elementary School art blog. We hope you enjoy exploring the art gallery created by the students in grades Preschool - 5th. The art projects we do with our students allows everyone to experience art through different mediums...


pencils, pens, crayons, markers and colored pencils

~Students start out in the lower grades learning how to draw animals using shapes. Then in the upper grades they learn proportions of the human face and figure. Then they learn how to shade and add value to make their drawings look realistic.


watercolors and tempera paint

~Students start with painting in Kindergarten and build on these skills all throughout elementary school. They learn how to properly use the paints and take care of the brushes.


clay, wood, wire and found objects

~Clay is a favorite medium in all grades. Each year our clay projects build on each other so that by the time you are in 5th grade you use all the skills to create your sculpture. Kindergarten also uses found object to make faces. Second grade also uses wood to make Kachina Dolls and 4th also uses wire to create wire figures.


print making, weaving and stitchery

~We print in many ways but mostly in 2nd grade, in 3rd grade we love to weave and in 4th (or 5th) we learn stitchery.

All of our students get to be in the studio for 45 mins. a week but they are constantly creating throughout every day.

Artfully yours!
your art teachers, Shannon Horridge and Tetyana Wittkowski

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Thanks for sharing...

Two of our amazing Bees have shared with me what they have been doing this past week and I couldn't be more proud of their go get'm attitude! Thanks for sharing Joseph S. and Harper K. You made my day!
Create land art like Andy Goldsworthy!
There are also many videos on his work.

Vegetable prints Parents can help cut the vegetables.
This can be extended to include other types of printing
materials like corks, toilet paper roll circles,
bottoms of boxes etc.

send your pictures to me at shorridge@k12albemarle.org
and I'll post them on this blog, Instagram and Twitter!

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