
Welcome to the Brownsville Elementary School art blog. We hope you enjoy exploring the art gallery created by the students in grades Preschool - 5th. The art projects we do with our students allows everyone to experience art through different mediums...


pencils, pens, crayons, markers and colored pencils

~Students start out in the lower grades learning how to draw animals using shapes. Then in the upper grades they learn proportions of the human face and figure. Then they learn how to shade and add value to make their drawings look realistic.


watercolors and tempera paint

~Students start with painting in Kindergarten and build on these skills all throughout elementary school. They learn how to properly use the paints and take care of the brushes.


clay, wood, wire and found objects

~Clay is a favorite medium in all grades. Each year our clay projects build on each other so that by the time you are in 5th grade you use all the skills to create your sculpture. Kindergarten also uses found object to make faces. Second grade also uses wood to make Kachina Dolls and 4th also uses wire to create wire figures.


print making, weaving and stitchery

~We print in many ways but mostly in 2nd grade, in 3rd grade we love to weave and in 4th (or 5th) we learn stitchery.

All of our students get to be in the studio for 45 mins. a week but they are constantly creating throughout every day.

Artfully yours!
your art teachers, Shannon Horridge and Tetyana Wittkowski

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


A BIG thank you for ordering Square 1 Art this year! 

We had the 2nd highest participation percentage (the 1st highest participation was in 2014) and we couldn't be more pleased! With 48.56% of families participating in ordering this year we should be able to provide our students with some amazing art experiences. THANK YOU!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Kindergarten Square 1 Art

check out what kindergarten created for Square 1 Art...

having a reminder of their sweet little hand is a great way to remember their kindergarten year.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sq. 1 Art Order Forms are HERE!

Please check your student's backpack after school on Wednesday, November 13th... The Square 1 Art order forms are being sent home and the order window is very short!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Square 1 Art!

The art work is complete and has been shipped off to the Square 1 Art company to be processed.
We will receive the order packets on November 12th and will immediately place them in your child's backpack. 
Please be on the lookout on and around November 12th.
Dear Family,
We have partnered with your child’s school to create a unique opportunity to celebrate their artistic accomplishments while raising much needed funds for the school's art department.
Coming home soon will be your child’s custom catalog featuring their artwork. Won’t you help make your child feel like an accomplished artist by purchasing keepsakes for the whole family containing their masterpiece? The school earns profit from every order. And as a thank you for participating, we provide each child with a sheet of stickers imprinted with their artwork — absolutely FREE!
Watch for more details about the campaign and order deadlines. All online and paper order forms must be turned in by the due date on your child’s custom catalog. (No late orders can be accepted.) Together, we can help support the school, build your child’s self-esteem, and create lasting keepsakes from your child’s artistic achievements.
  1. The paper order form attached to their custom catalog.
  2. Online at [www.square1art.com/shop]www.square1art.com/shop.
  3. Phone Customer Care 888-332-3294.
A huge thank you to all of the teachers, faculty and volunteers for their help in creating this meaningful fundraiser.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

We Are BACK....

Welcome Back To School and to the Amazing Art program at Brownsville Elementary! If you are new to our school or returning we hope you and your children have settled into their home of learning and creating. In this blog you will find information about the art program here at Brownsville. You can also follow us on Instagram @besartroom or on twitter @besARTroom. We hope you join us so you may see what we have been up to each week.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Spring Blossoms

1st grade enjoys the beautiful cherry blossoms and creates their own using... india ink, tissue paper and glue. This project is great for the fine motor skills! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Spring has Sprung and the Kachina Dolls are DONE!

One of my favorite 2nd grade projects we do here at BES! Come check them out they are displayed in our library... 

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The ACPS Fine Art Festival...

is over but I wanted to give a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to this years participants....

ACPS Fine Arts Show 2019

Caleb Smith
Ben Bowman
Sawyer McCoy
Himari Takino
Deirdre Froehlich
Ari Kipnis
Banks Kauffman
Shane Doerr
Robert Wheeler
Charles Bechtel

1st Grade
Rachel Umhred
Liliana Garcia Becerra
Casey Breeden
Zion Howell
Walker Scott
Lyla McDowell
Reese Estes
George Latimer
Juliet Chang
Makinsey Dollens
Madeline Broadston
Will Rader
Laila Hanifi
Arlo Fortier
Emma Chen
Amaya Garriott

2nd Grade
Quinn Caminati
Dallas Mitchell
Margaret Murphy
Trey Roush
Lily-Rose Hisel
Sean Vagnetti
Henry Wiseman
Isaiah Costic
Charlotte Donato
Nora Elmallah
Maya Reed
Mae Caroline Strobach
Henry Kehoe
Berkeley Gibb
Charleigh Dudley
Andrew Maslaney
William Surratt
Ty Pallante

3rd Grade 
Vivian Ball
Elizabeth McCaskill
Chloe Hammer
Noah Estes
Anna Clifford
Max Harris
Maddox Viele
Willow Phillips
Cecilia Killham-Collier
Joe Grassi
Kyle DeVries
Jaci Cress
Mason Sever
Stella Percy
Owen Magill
Lyla Jenkins
Julia Goodnight
Morgan Gelfand
Ginger Buchanan
Isabella Spencer
Mary Smith
Hadden Hutchinson
Savannah Hankins
Max Alhusen

4th Grade
Naomi Anderson
Liam Enfield
Autumn Howell
Harper Stone
Kennedy MacCleery
Maddox Nauman
Anna Pinto
Evans Snyder
Alana Wood
Kaleb Estes
Ilan Michelson
Vivienne Monk
Emily Kim
Lexie Whitford
Maeve Driscoll
Kathleen Wyatt
Emerson Fatovich-Luckey
Luke Lambert

5th Grade
Josie Brement
Chloe Sachno
Emilia Munro
Abby Fitch
Jack Camblos
Annie Alhusen
Mazie Wiseman
Ana Carolina Rizoli
Quinn Eliason
Samaria Corbett
Congratulations to all of our Outstanding Artist

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Visual Arts Festival

The work is up and ready for you to go see what amazing creativity we have in our schools! Go Check It OUT!

Friday, March 1, 2019

Happy MARCH 1st!

As we get through these wet cold winter days and the signs of Spring are on the horizon I want to let you know the Starting March 10th the Albemarle County Fine Arts Festival will be held at Fashion Square Mall. Art work from all of the Albemarle County Schools will be on display for you to see. Please stop by the mall and check out the amazing work. If your student has a piece in the show you will get a letter sent home on March 11th.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Show us how you use your creativity in 2019... tag us on Instagram, Twitter or FaceBook to share what you do at home or on vacation to be creative. Don't be shy... share your talents... #BEEcreative2019 @besartroom

a snap shot from our 5th graders' performance... music is art...