This is the time of year when we really start settling into our art work at Brownsville. We have finished the projects for Square 1 Art and we are getting into the core of our program. Building foundations and skills for life long learners in art. Being creative helps make learning fun and interesting.
Pre-K molded and formed owls out of clay after reading the book
Owl Babies
In Kindergarten students are creating "Wild Things" after listening to the book
Where the Wild Things Are
1st graders learn to create figures and horses with shapes. When you put certain shapes together you can create anything.
2nd looked at movements of figures and made a "Community Dancer" collage
3rd, 4th and 5th graders use Art journals provided by the Art Department to take notes, design and free draw
3rd grade gets to use their imagination and design their very own "Secret Place" which is totally their own.
4th grade has begun the 1st drawing lesson using contour lines. We will now draw a still life and color with oil pastels.
5th grade goes into Drawing 102 and adds to their knowledge from 4th grade Drawing 101. This year they will do an observational drawing of bones using shading to create form.
Kindergarten creates portraits with found objects
1st grade shape people
4th grade Still Life
Kindergarten Wild Things
2nd grade "Community Dancer" project
3rd grade "Secret Place" drawing in Art Journals
2nd grade writes about their "Community Dancer"