You have entered the Brownsville Elementary School Art Blog created by Shannon Horridge. I am one of the two art teachers here at Brownsville Elementary in Crozet, VA. Tetyana Wittkowski and I teach art to children in Preschool through 5th grades. Being creative at Brownsville is very important. We feel it completes the whole person as an active learner. Our classroom teachers also use art in daily activities which supports the whole child.
pencils, pens, crayons, markers and colored pencils
~Students start out in the lower grades learning how to draw animals using shapes. Then in the upper grades they learn proportions of the human face and figure. Then they learn how to shade and add value to make their drawings look realistic.
watercolors and tempera paint
~Students start with painting in Kindergarten and build on these skills all throughout elementary school. They learn how to properly use the paints and take care of the brushes.
clay, wood, wire and found objects
~Clay is a favorite medium in all grades. Each year our clay projects build on each other so that by the time you are in 5th grade you use all the skills to create your sculpture. Kindergarten also uses found object to make faces. Second grade also uses wood to make Kachina Dolls and 4th also uses wire to create wire figures.
print making, weaving and stitchery
~We print in many ways but mostly in 2nd grade, in 3rd grade we love to weave and in 4th (or 5th) we learn stitchery.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
S1A orders have been sent home...
Thursday, December 8, 2016
S1A Orders are almost HERE!
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Thank you for participating in the Square 1 Art fundraiser! We had 45.22% participation this year and we are very thankful to all the families who participated in helping supply our school with art supplies, guest artists and much more. Thank you!
As a reminder... anyone may order from Square 1 Art at anytime, you can even order past years artwork.
Thank you again for your support, Mrs. Horridge and Mrs. Wittkowski
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Online ordering has been extended!
Thank you for supporting the BES Art program!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Sunday, November 13, 2016
5 days left to order S1A!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Square 1 Art orders due November 17th
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Square 1 Art order forms are in your student's BACKPACK!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Check out what we have been creating...
Pre-K molded and formed owls out of clay after reading the book Owl Babies
In Kindergarten students are creating "Wild Things" after listening to the book Where the Wild Things Are
1st graders learn to create figures and horses with shapes. When you put certain shapes together you can create anything.
2nd looked at movements of figures and made a "Community Dancer" collage
3rd, 4th and 5th graders use Art journals provided by the Art Department to take notes, design and free draw
3rd grade gets to use their imagination and design their very own "Secret Place" which is totally their own.
4th grade has begun the 1st drawing lesson using contour lines. We will now draw a still life and color with oil pastels.
5th grade goes into Drawing 102 and adds to their knowledge from 4th grade Drawing 101. This year they will do an observational drawing of bones using shading to create form.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Follow the BES Art Room on...
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this blog thebesartblog
See what we have been up to in the Brownsville Art Room at Brownsville Elementary School in Crozet, VA
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
We are in full swing...
Preschool is learning the steps to creating their printing project
Kindergarten is glueing their backgrounds for their hand print trees
1st grade is making their Coral Reef backgrounds for their fish hand prints
2nd grade is drawing pictures of their community
3rd grade has begun learning about Self Portraits and how to draw themselves
4th grade has begun the Matisse Paper Cut-Outs
5th grade has discussed radial designs and has been planing their design