Preschool collected treasures outside (leaves, sticks & nuts) and then put them in a ball of clay to create a turkey
Kindergarten has been working with clay to create pinch pots
1st grade has been learning to draw horses by using shapes
2nd grade is finishing up kachinas or shields depending on which class they are in
3rd grade is about to work with clay and make pots by using the coiling technique
4th grade looked at the artist Laurel Burch and are now well on there way to completing their own Fantastic Felines
5th grade just completed a bone study by doing an observational drawing. Some are hanging in the hall and all look amazing.
So that's what the students have been up to and now for what your art teachers have been up to…
Mrs. Mahanes and myself went to the Virginia Art Education Association conference at the beginning of November. It was fantastic and we were able to be creating and gather new ideas with 400 other Va art teachers. WHAT A BLAST! We even presented a presentation (to a full house) on Kindergarten and 1st grade art projects. It was a BIG HIT!
We hope that you come to school sometime and see what your students have been creating but if you can't here are some examples.