
Welcome to the Brownsville Elementary School art blog. We hope you enjoy exploring the art gallery created by the students in grades Preschool - 5th. The art projects we do with our students allows everyone to experience art through different mediums...


pencils, pens, crayons, markers and colored pencils

~Students start out in the lower grades learning how to draw animals using shapes. Then in the upper grades they learn proportions of the human face and figure. Then they learn how to shade and add value to make their drawings look realistic.


watercolors and tempera paint

~Students start with painting in Kindergarten and build on these skills all throughout elementary school. They learn how to properly use the paints and take care of the brushes.


clay, wood, wire and found objects

~Clay is a favorite medium in all grades. Each year our clay projects build on each other so that by the time you are in 5th grade you use all the skills to create your sculpture. Kindergarten also uses found object to make faces. Second grade also uses wood to make Kachina Dolls and 4th also uses wire to create wire figures.


print making, weaving and stitchery

~We print in many ways but mostly in 2nd grade, in 3rd grade we love to weave and in 4th (or 5th) we learn stitchery.

All of our students get to be in the studio for 45 mins. a week but they are constantly creating throughout every day.

Artfully yours!
your art teachers, Shannon Horridge and Tetyana Wittkowski

Friday, December 5, 2014

ART ART and more ART

WOW! Have we been busy…
Preschool collected treasures outside (leaves, sticks & nuts) and then put them in a ball of clay to create a turkey
Kindergarten has been working with clay to create pinch pots
1st grade has been learning to draw horses by using shapes
2nd grade is finishing up kachinas or shields depending on which class they are in
3rd grade is about to work with clay and make pots by using the coiling technique
4th grade looked at the artist Laurel Burch and are now well on there way to completing their own Fantastic Felines
5th grade just completed a bone study by doing an observational drawing. Some are hanging in the hall and all look amazing.

So that's what the students have been up to and now for what your art teachers have been up to…
Mrs. Mahanes and myself went to the Virginia Art Education Association conference at the beginning of November. It was fantastic and we were able to be creating and gather new ideas with 400 other Va art teachers. WHAT A BLAST! We even presented a presentation (to a full house) on Kindergarten and 1st grade art projects. It was a BIG HIT!

We hope that you come to school sometime and see what your students have been creating but if you can't here are some examples.


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

We just need 5 more orders!

If we had 5 more orders for SQUARE 1 ART it would put us at 50% participation. And if we have 50% participation we get a bonus! So PLEASE if you have not ordered you have until midnight on Wednesday, November 19th.
Thank you to all those who have placed orders The Brownsville Art Department appreciates your support.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

UPDATE!!! Square 1 Art deadline has been extended! UPDATE!!!!

Square 1 Art deadline has been extended to November 17th! You have the weekend to look at what you would like to order. Also, if you are unable to order by the 17th this does not mean you can't order ever again, you can oder whenever you would like but if you want the proceeds from your order  to go to our school then you must have your order in by NOVEMBER 17th.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


You have received your Square 1 Art packets by now and it is time to order. So please go online and choose what items would work best for you and your family. We need all orders in by November 14th so that we receive the products in time for the holidays. Thanks for supporting the BES art department!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Square 1 Art UPDATE

SQUARE 1 ART IS ON ITS WAY TO GEORGIA! My wonderful volunteer, Sara and I packed up 704 pieces of amazing art today and sent it to the Square 1 Art company. It will be processed and then the order forms will be sent back to us by November 6th. You will receive your order form by the 7th and will need to order online or return your orders by November 14th. This very exciting because your children have worked so very hard to complete these masterpieces and we are excited for you to see them. Check out some of the art that was sent…

Friday, October 17, 2014

Art, Art and more Art

So we have been very busy...

Community Pictures by 2nd Grade

All About BEES - 1st grade
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Apple Trees by Kindergarten

These are what you have to look forward to coming home very soon. Each student has created a unique piece of art that will be processed by the Square 1 Art company and you will receive your child's art work in sticker form along with an order form. Please order during November so that we may raise enough money to support our outstanding art department.