Our first art projects are well underway and some of the grades have even finished and are on to the next. In grades K and 1st we intermingled the project for Square 1 Art with other projects because we had to let the paint dry. In 2nd through 5th grades the pictures have many steps involved so they tend to take a bit longer, plus the students are studying a concept so they must understand that first.
By the 2nd week October we should be wrapping up all the projects for Square 1 Art and shipping them off to the company.
At the beginning of November the personalized order packets arrive at school and we will send them home with each child right away. Enclosed in each packet is the custom catalog and child's free set of stickers with easy order instructions: paper and/or online.
By middle of December all online and paper orders will be sent to school and distributed by our Square 1 Art volunteers.
With your support this will be our best year yet.
Artfully yours,
The Brownsville Art Department