
Welcome to the Brownsville Elementary School art blog. We hope you enjoy exploring the art gallery created by the students in grades Preschool - 5th. The art projects we do with our students allows everyone to experience art through different mediums...


pencils, pens, crayons, markers and colored pencils

~Students start out in the lower grades learning how to draw animals using shapes. Then in the upper grades they learn proportions of the human face and figure. Then they learn how to shade and add value to make their drawings look realistic.


watercolors and tempera paint

~Students start with painting in Kindergarten and build on these skills all throughout elementary school. They learn how to properly use the paints and take care of the brushes.


clay, wood, wire and found objects

~Clay is a favorite medium in all grades. Each year our clay projects build on each other so that by the time you are in 5th grade you use all the skills to create your sculpture. Kindergarten also uses found object to make faces. Second grade also uses wood to make Kachina Dolls and 4th also uses wire to create wire figures.


print making, weaving and stitchery

~We print in many ways but mostly in 2nd grade, in 3rd grade we love to weave and in 4th (or 5th) we learn stitchery.

All of our students get to be in the studio for 45 mins. a week but they are constantly creating throughout every day.

Artfully yours!
your art teachers, Shannon Horridge and Tetyana Wittkowski

Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays from the Brownsville Art Department

Thanks to all who supported the Brownsville Art Department by purchasing Square 1 Art! I believe everyone received their orders and are happy with their purchases. Thank you!
If you were not able to order or decided you wanted to purchase something else then you may call Square 1 Art Customer Care at  888-332-3294 and place an order. You may also shop online at square1art.com/shop. Either way your orders will still benefit our school.
I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and a Peaceful winter break.
Stay Creative,
Mrs. Horridge 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Square 1 Art Orders are HERE!

If you ordered from Square 1 Art it has arrived here at school EARLY, it has been passed out and placed in your students backpacks. Please check backpacks for your orders when they get home today.
Thank you again for your orders and supporting the Brownsville Art Program.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Look and see what we have been up to in Art...

 4th grade draws a still life

1st Graders learn to draw horses and buffalo by using shapes.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Square 1 Art orders coming...

December 16th your Square 1 Art orders will coming home. Be on the look out for your orders sent home in your student's backpack on Monday, December 16th. Thank you for placing your orders!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So by now you have received you child's Square1 Art order form. Tomorrow is the last day to order! The easiest way to order is on line but you may also send in the form and have your student give it to their teacher or you may call the Square 1 Art company directly. All orders help support our art program here at Brownsville. Thank you for those who have ordered.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So you are wondering "What is Square 1 Art?" Well let me tell you...
Square 1 Art is a unique and profitable Art fundraiser for our school. We send in the work which we have created in the art room to the Square 1 Art company. They copy the work into their programs and send each participant an order form with a free set of stickers of your child's work. You choose what you would like to order for yourself, gifts for family, gifts for teachers or a tile for our school which will be donated to the school and installed in a mural to allow your child's art work to be a part of our school forever. Send in your order either online or back to school. We then send in all orders and they arrive back at school before the winter break.
So where does the money we raise go...?
The money we raise goes directly to our art department. We use high quality products with our students here at Brownsville and the money raised goes towards purchasing products such as "primsa-colored art sticks", authentic drawing pencils, high quality markers, and oil pastels. Along with these supplies we also support our ceramics program with this money. Every year every student has the opportunity to create a ceramic piece and the money from this fundraiser helps support this program. If we do really well we have even been known to share some of this money with the classroom teachers so that they can buy art supplies for their own classroom.
So send in your orders as soon as you receive them and support our Art Program at Brownsville Elementary School.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Check out what we have been doing in the Brownsville art room...

Kindergarten paints pumpkins

3rd grade creates Secret Places

4th grade draws a Still Life

5th grade learns how to turn shapes into forms

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Kindergarten Apple Trees

2nd Grade landscapes

1st grade sea life

3rd Grade Self Portraits

4th Grade paper cut outs

EXCITING news! Square 1 Art is on its way to Georgia. It will arrive by the end of the week and they will start processing our work. The individual catalogs will be sent back on November 7th and sent home Monday, November 11th. Be on the look out!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dear Brownsville Families,
Our first art projects are well underway and some of the grades have even finished and are on to the next. In grades K and 1st we intermingled the project for Square 1 Art with other projects because we had to let the paint dry. In 2nd through 5th grades the pictures have many steps involved so they tend to take a bit longer, plus the students are studying a concept so they must understand that first.
By the 2nd week October  we should be wrapping up all the projects for Square 1 Art and shipping them off to the company.
At the beginning of November the personalized order packets arrive at school and we will send them home with each child right away. Enclosed in each packet is the custom catalog and child's free set of stickers with easy order instructions: paper and/or online.
By middle of December all online and paper orders will be sent to school and distributed by our Square 1 Art volunteers.   
With your support this will be our best year yet.

Artfully yours,
The Brownsville Art Department

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Square 1 Art projects are well underway in the art room. The students are working on projects which we have chosen because they are very successful when reprinted onto items that you can order from Square 1 Art but they also keep along with our curriculum.
Kindergarten creates a keepsake handprint made into an apple tree
1st grade uses their handprint to create a sea creature swimming in the background they made with oil pastels and watercolor
2nd grade is inspired by the artist Heather Galler when they draw and color places in their community
3rd grade studies the way to correctly draw self-portraits and then uses this to create their very own self-portrait
4th grade looks at the artist Henri Matisse and constructs their very own paper cut out
5th grade discovers how to create a radial design and then uses their name to construct the image

What is Square 1 Art?
It is a fund raiser we do that is a way to fund our art program at Brownsville Elementary. In the past the proceeds have bought us a new kiln, supplied us with consumable art materials such as paper and paint and have also been given to classroom teachers for extra funds for art supplies in the classroom. Without this fund raiser we would not be able to supply our students with such an amazing art program. If you have question please feel free to contact the Art Department at Brownsville or go to www.square1art.com

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We are off to a GREAT start in ART! Every student has been to art and is ready for an amazing year of creativity and exploration. The question we asked some of our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders is,
here are some of their answers...